Permanent Cure For Memory problems, weight gain, cancer, heart disease, eczema, allergies, arthritis and diabetes

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Omega 3 Benefits Omega 3 decreases risk of arrhythmias, which can lead to sudden cardiac death Omega 3 decreases triglyceride and bad cholesterol levels Omega 3 decreases growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque Omega 3 can slightly lower blood pressure Omega 3 helps to protect against heart disease Omega 3 helps improves endocrine function

Omega 3 improves overall health by helping to nutritionally support the natural control of blood lipids, such as cholesterol. Omega 3 helps prevent heart disease,cancer,.depression and Alzheimer’s. Omega 3 helps in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, Raynaud’s disease and a host of other diseases.

The diet in the west ranges from between 10 – 20 to 1 in favor of omega 6, which is not good for health. We are eating too much omega 6 fat and not enough omega 3 fats.

This increase and excessive intake of omega 6 can cause increased water retention, raised blood pressure, an increase in allergic responses and increased blood clotting. Studies have shown that taking EPA+DHA everyday significantly reduces deaths from heart disease.

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The natural marine lipid concentrate provides a dietary source of the valuable Omega-3 fatty acids, Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).

The most recent research has revealed important new evidence that a balanced combination of these marine lipids in the diet improved overall health by helping to nutritionally support the natural control of blood lipids, such as cholesterol.

This helps to protect against heart disease, improves endocrine function and at the same time supports many enzyme functions in the body, which play a key role in neurological functions as well.

A Purdue University study has showed that kids low in Omega-3 essential fatty acids are significantly more likely to be hyperactive, have learning disorders, and to display behavioral problems. Omega-3 deficiencies have also been tied to many conditions, including the following: dyslexia violence depression memory problems, weight gain, cancer, heart disease, eczema, allergies, inflammatory diseases, arthritis and diabetes.

The human brain is more than 60% structural fat, just as your muscles are made of protein and your bones are made of calcium. But it’s not just any fat that our brains are made of it has to be certain types of fats, and we no longer eat these types of fats like we used to.

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