In a seven-day fasting and prayer session organised by Adeboye, he wondered why a country that produces oil will be met with such high rate of inflation and difficulty, he further blamed this on the leaders of the nation.
He said: “We are living in a country, one of the biggest oil producing countries in the world and from what we read in newspapers, the cost of diesel had multiplied for about three times in less than a year.

Covetousness is on the increase, corruption like the whole world has never seen before. It’s only in Nigeria we hear of budget being padded, violent, human trafficking, drug trafficking, you even wonder if our rulers knew what’s going on.
“Theft of national treasuries on a level that causes you to shiver. It is even difficult now to buy bread. Let’s cry to God as representatives of our nation and ask for mercy, that we are sorry for all our wrong doing.”