Spirulina is a blue-green algae which is believed to be the first form of plant life on earth, nearly 3.5 billion years old.
The story of Spirulina was revealed to public in the 70s through a great discovery of some scientists who unexpectedly found that the way of life of one African tribe (around Lake Tchad) was interesting.
Even though those villagers were living in a poor area and had less chance to consume protein from meat, they could still live healthily on “Dihe”, a common type of algae grown around the lake in that area.
This alga, which later called “Spirulina”, was usually brought from the surface of that lake and later dried in the heat.
These villagers had no deficiencies and had a high life expectancy and less diseases than neighboring villages. Through its simple characteristic, Spirulina was amazingly believed to have contained a variety of high quality nutrients. Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae found in most lakes and ponds.
It has been consumed for thousands of years by Mexican (Aztecs, Mayans), African, and Asian peoples. It has been enjoyed by millions of people as a natural food supplement in the USA, Japan and Europe for over 15 years.
This edible blue-green algae is 62-70% all-vegetable protein, easy-to-digest, with the highest food concentration of beta-carotene, iron, vitamin B-12, and the rare gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). It is also the highest plan source of tryptophan.
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Why is spirulina called super health food? It is known as “The super food of the 21st Century” because it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb. 100g contain 70g of the highest quality protein available.
Higher in protein value than beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, soybeans, rice, tofu or wheat (3 times more than that in beef or fish, 4 times that of pork and 1,5 times that of Soya beans).
This protein is 95% digestible or absorbable compared to 20% from meat protein. It contains 18 amino acids essential for human life (including all of the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce), iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, germanium, boon, molybdenum, copper, zinc, iodine, chromium, vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, Biotin, Inositol, B, B2, B3, B6, Foliate, B12, Pantothenic acid) beta-carotenes, phytonutrients like gamma linolenic acid, glycolipids, sulpholipids and polysaccharides, ribose, nucleic acid, cholinesterase, cynophycine, manitol, caorotenoids chlorophyll, phenols and enzymes.
It is rich in glycogen, which is rarely found in plants. Glycogen is stored in the liver for quick energy. It is richer in chlorophyll than alfalfa and wheat grass and contains no fats or starches.
Researchers at NASA found it to be an excellent, compact space food for astronauts (1 kg. of Spirulina is equivalent to 1000 kgs of assorted vegetables). International health organisations have hailed Spirulina as one of the “Greatest Superfoods on Earth”.
As an ideal food supplement, Spirulina provides the body with all essential nutrients required daily, leaving you fresh, active and energetic throughout the day.
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