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Be comfortable with rejection. The fact that your vision is divinely inspired is no guarantee that everyone will receive it gladly.

Enthusiasm is a very essential part of the journey towards fulfilment. Passion is the key to the effective realization of any vision. When it seems as if the world has no place for your vision, even when the vision is designed to serve it, only your personal enthusiasm will see you through.

Consider this. When the Messiah for whom the world had been waiting was to be born, one would have thought that some angels might have gone ahead to prepare the Presidential or Royal Suite. Instead, God had to make do with a manger!

The point of birth was not the only place where the society had no room to receive Jesus. Over the ages, humanity, for whom He came, has rejected Him.

If Jesus the very Son of God suffered rejection, you too should expect to!

The world will not tell you that there is room in the inn to accommodate the birth of your vision. You must claim your space. The fact that God promised you a Canaan does not mean you won’t find the giants there who, as de facto landlords don’t want you to simply walk in and take their space!

Great visions are usually born in the solitary recesses of meditative separation. This being so, it is foolhardy to expect that everyone around you will immediately see what you had to separate yourself from everyone else to see! Speak more to the source of your motivation than you do to the source of your discouragement.

When you begin to walk in the reality of your vision, the vision will advertise itself.

To understand how lonely the path of vision is, consider the predicament of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Put yourself in that family’s shoes. How do you explain a pregnancy when you were supposedly not to have known a man? After all, it was only you to whom the angel appeared. How do you convince your uncles, aunts, siblings, prospective in-laws and friends of both families that you are pregnant, since they all know you to be betrothed but not yet married? The angel never appeared to any other member of the family, except Joseph. How would Joseph explain his decision to go ahead with the marriage plans? You cannot expect the world to always lay the red carpet before your dreams.

Being the only person who saw what you saw, you may sometimes appear mad to everybody else. The more you try to paint the picture, the more they find it difficult to understand. Nevertheless, it would be foolish of a dreamer to stop dreaming simply because somebody does not believe in those dreams. Dreamers die but dreams don’t. Any God-inspired dream will always outlive the dreamer.

Opposition is not an excuse for abandoning your vision. Believe in yourself and the power of God in you. No special skill is required to blame others for your failure. Opposition is natural to anything that is in motion. You activate opposition the moment you choose to move forward. It’s a law!

Do something about your dream. Your compelling vision is that dream which gives you a platform to make a significant contribution to humanity. Excellence is always a threat to mediocrity.

Those who wait for all conditions to be perfect will never get anything done! Most people are more bothered about getting things right than getting things going. Your shortcomings should never be a good excuse for cutting yourself short.

Physical disabilities are not enough reasons to remain invalid. Tony Melendez is an American-Nicaraguan guitar player whose art has brought him before dignitaries like the Pope, Heads of nations and audiences around the world. He plays the guitar with his legs because he was born without arms. John Foppe has made millions as a motivational speaker and has trained corporate staff of Fortune 500 companies. He was born without arms. Even his feet are not fully grown and are just little protrusions from his body frame.

Many are the eyes that look but few are the eyes that see. Helen Keller was blind but still went on in life to be a university professor. Cobhams Asuquo is a blind Nigerian composer, singer and instrumentalist who has produced one musical hit after another. His dexterity on the piano is incredible. Beethoven was partially deaf, yet he was one of the greatest composers in history.

Adverse conditions are a fact of life. Life is only under obligation to make room for you when you prove that you know where you are going. Those who are very good at making excuses are hardly good at making anything else!

What you have available right now is more important than what you don’t yet have. The manager that is available and accessible is more important and relevant to you than the inn that is fully booked. Everyone with a dream already has something with which he can jumpstart it. It may not be cash. All you have right now may just be an idea or a relationship which can be to your advantage. Or a book you need to read. Identify these tools. They are forms of investment.

Stop referencing past disappointments as the big albatross in your life. Yesterday is spent, today is cash. Tomorrow is still a promissory note. You can’t spend a promissory note but you can spend cash. What you have now is available cash, so invest it well. Maximize the quality relationships you have now. Stop looking for palaces when the appointed place is a manger. The only lullabies baby Jesus heard at birth were from goats and sheep. Yet a glorious star appeared to announce His arrival!

It is what you have now that will lead you to what you require. God’s treasures are found in the most unlikely places. You need to be extra vigilant because God does the unusual and the unexpected. That is why it is essential for you to have a close relationship with God. Success without godliness is emptiness.

What some see as trash, others make fortune from. I have seen furniture made from discarded tyres. Someone I know turns burnt paper into works of art and has made a fortune from it.

The key to your breakthrough may be hiding in a place that you currently ignore. A university degree doesn’t guarantee success. An education is to open up your faculties and capacity to face the challenges of life, not to send you to a career prison.

Thank God, Mary did not abort the pregnancy. Neither did she reject the stable. Do not reject your appointed place. Be open to change. Mary and Joseph did not refuse to leave Nazareth. There was no room created for them, yet they went ahead and delivered their baby.

Don’t give up. You’ve come this far. It’s too late to quit now. The world is waiting to celebrate the birth and manifestation of God’s grace in your life.

Your vision shall be born. And the world – and heaven too – will celebrate your victory!

Remember, the sky is not your limit, God is!

READ ALSO: The hotels are fully booked (2)

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