EMPLOYERS of labour across the country’s aviation sector have been challenged to see their workers as the greatest assets and therefore, should be treated very well.
Making this appeal as one of his expectations for 2023, a renowned labour leader, Comrade Olayinka Abioye, equally called on all aviation workers to see their work place and their employers as partners deserving respect and attention so that at the end they can claim victory in terms of accrued benefits in cash and kind.

“Importantly, as a labour leader, you may wish to know that in all work place environments, there are two key players. The Employer on one hand whose main goal and concern is maximisation of profits while the other key element is the worker whose goal is to give service and share in the gains arising from his labour in terms of income/benefits in kind.”
While calling for cooperation and collaboration amongst all stakeholders in the new year, Abioye used the opportunity to urge the government to strengthen the domestic airlines.
According to Abioye: “I wish for cooperation among all industry players, collaboration with one another, strengthening the Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON), so that Industry Trade Unions can work together as partners devoid of cat and mouse syndrome.
“I would appreciate more openness from the Ministry of aviation with industry operators as catalytic partners rather than third party players because without them, the industry cannot survive.”
He specifically tasked the leadership of the trade unions “to review their tactics, and deepen the process of industrial relations practice and double up on their respect for the workers you are leading and entrench succession plans.”
The labour leader predicted a brighter, successful and more prosperous 2023 for the sector following what he described as the “avalanche of positive signals emanating from the accomplishments within the industry in 2022.”