Residents of Okeregbagha Garden Estate Okurighwre in Sapele Local Government Area of Delta State have appealed to relevant authorities to urgently come to their rescue by supplying them with new transformers.
One of the landlords in the area, Mr Omamogho Daniel, decried having suffered outages for months owing to bad transformers which, he alleged the management of Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC), is yet to take action on.
He appealed to the government to supply them with two new transformers for the area.
He explained that the only available transformer packed up due to the increasing consumption ratio from new landlords relocating to the area on a daily basis.
Omamogho, in a chat with journalists, said the only way residents of the area could feel the impact of the government was for them to be treated fairly like others across Sapele metropolis which is currently benefiting from the dividends of democracy rapidly in all ramifications of life.
He appealed to the chairman of Sapele Local Government Area, Mr Eugene Inoaghan, whom he described as a listening leader, to use his office to in solve the problem of electricity, poor roads and insecurity.
He wondered why BEDC officials only come to the area to distribute bills at the end of the month and would not fix a bad transformer or faulty lines for the people to enjoy electricity.
He further explained that since they moved into the area, it was the landlords and landladies who had been responsible for the purchase of transformers, the poles and even the lines.
He affirmed that BEDC had been contributing nothing to make the system work but only come and collect money and disconnect defaulters.
He enjoined the councillor of Ward 9 to be up and doing and to draw the attention of the chairman of the council to the issue of transformers, roads and insecurity in the area if they must continue to enjoy their votes.