Minister of Labour and Employment, Simon Lalong, has vowed to sanction employers of labour over indecent working conditions that negate local and international labour laws.
Lalong led this out on Friday, during the inauguration of the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) III in Abuja.

INFORMATION NIGERIA learnt that DWCP was inaugurated to promote jobs, guarantee rights at work, extend social protection, and promote social dialogue.
Speaking during the programme, the Minister lamented that some workers are exposed to poor working conditions, low pay, long work hours and low unionism rate, and unsafe working environments.
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He said: “As well as the absence of efficient employment and job creation opportunities and conditions of underemployment, among others.
“Government is aware of some of these employers’ activities, who disregard the extant labour laws due to the pursuit of profit.
“This creates work environments that frustrate the attainment of decent work for employers or employees because of the quest for profit.
“Many workers are exploited and make the work in very indecent and intolerable conditions, which negate all local and international labour laws.
“Hence, we shall not fail to sanction such organisations and ensure that the rights and privileges of Nigerian workers are protected.”