Kindly let me know the signs of a mini-stroke. Is it possible to have a mini-stroke without knowing?
Okafor (by SMS)

A mini-stroke can look exactly like a full stroke: The difference is the mini-stroke resolves in a few hours. They are properly called, “transient ischemic attacks”. They are a precursor to a big stroke. If someone is exhibiting signs of a stroke, immediately call an ambulance: The ambulance crew will give oxygen, start IVs, and get the Stroke Alert started at the hospital.
There’s a clot-busting drug that works miracles, but the patient needs to be at the hospital within 4 hours since the onset of symptoms to receive it. It is possible to have a stroke in the middle of the night and sleep through it, in which case, a CT scan will find it.
READ ALSO: What is stroke?