Digestive, fibrinolytic, proteolytic and anti-inflammatory enzyme from pineapple Bromelain is part of a group of enzymes found in pineapple. Bromelain is part of the family of proteolytic enzymes which includes trypsin and papain.

These enzymes have the property of curdling milk and, when taken at the same time as a meal, of digesting proteins. Bromelain derives its name from “bromeliads”, the botanical family to which the pineapple belongs.
It can be extracted from the juice of fresh pineapple or, in the case of bromelain, as a supplement, from the stem of the plant.
It is used as a food additive to tenderize meat or as a texture agent.
It inhibits the production of prostaglandins that cause inflammation
Makes the blood thinner and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
It will help the digestion of protein-rich foods and thus avoid the inconveniences that can cause poor digestion of these.
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As a dietary supplement, it is available either alone or in combination with other food additives enzymes or digestive plants. Unlike other enzymes that are broken down in the digestive system, bromelain is partially absorbed by the body and passes into the bloodstream.
It thus exerts a systemic activity: it inhibits the production of prostaglandins that cause inflammation, makes the blood thinner and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
The mechanisms by which it deploys its therapeutic action are not yet fully elucidated.
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