Your Excellency,
This complaint, observation and grievance is from our family of Owa lloro (Agbon) Ruling House of lgbajo, Boluwaduro East Local Council Development Area, Ajoda, Osun State.
Our grouse which snowballed into the institution of suit No:HIK/10/2021 before an lkirun High Court, it is the turn of our Ruling House to present candidates to fill the vacant stool of the Owa of lgbajo upon the demise of Late Oba Olutemi Fasade who was the last occupant of the throne.
It is an established and verifiable fact that Late Oba Olufemi Fasade wrongfully occupied the throne in the name of our Ruling House instead of that of Owa Oke-Ode (Akeran) Ruling House where he belonged which issue is part of our reliefs sought before the High Court in the matter; it is germane and apposite to add at this juncture that Late Oba Olufemi Fasade admitted to this fact in paragraph 6 of his letter through his counsel Femi Ayandokun Esq. dated 11/11/2015 in reply to Owa Oke-Ode Ruling House letter through their own Solicitor Olutayo Oyewale Esq. dated 29/10/2015.
The said two letters are herewith attached as anexures A and B.
Since the institution of this case, the matter has been active and kicking with filling and exchange of processes by parties with last one filed few days ago by our counsel in response to the ones filed by adverse parties with about four hearing dates already attended to. Of interest is the recent application to joinder dated 18 August, 2022 by a member of Owa Oke-Ode (Akeran) Ruling House in person of Prince Adegoke Paul Olaniyi Akande who is a brother to Prince Gboyega Famodun.
Hon. Justice S. O. Falola was the first to have the present suit before him until his transfer which led to Hon. Justice Onibokun took over the matter until her transfer as well.
The matter is presently before Hon. Justice Adeleke which matter stood adjourned till 24 day October, 2022 for hearing of all pending applications.
About two weeks ago information filtered across the community of lgbajo that a strategic/high-level meeting was held in Osogbo where some resolutions were made and assurances given to Prince Gboyega Famodun that everything would be done to actualize making him or any nominee of his choice the Owa of lgbajo on or before the exit of the present government on 27 day of November, 2022 which is about 50 days ahead.
Members of Owa Oke-Ode Ruling House resorted into wild jubilation in the community that influence of their son Prince Gboyega Famodun would come into play in their favour.
Letter through their own Solicitor Olutayo Oyewale Esq. dated 29/10/2015. The said two letters are herewith attached as anexures A and B.
We started beaming our eagle eyes in all areas to see whether the plan and resolution to unduly favour Prince Gboyega Famodun Owa Oke Ode Ruling House would start to materialize or not.
Alas we received the highest shock of our life when we suddenly learnt two days ago that our case pending before Hon. Justice Adeleke of lkirun High Court had been recalled by Hon. Chief Judge of Osun State for re-assignment without any clear complaint or reason from any of the parties in the suit.
The planed assignment of our case to another Judge outside the original jurisdiction of lkirun High Court cannot be justified under whatever guise except with premeditated intention to achieve a targeted result in favour of Prince Gboyega Famodun.
This is because Hon. Justice Adeleke of Ikirun high Court who presently presides over the matter is not on vacation indisposed or in any way unable to adjudicate over the matter to warrant the planned re-assignment.
It is to the public knowledge including us that a similar scenario like this played out in the matter of Alawo of Awo Chieftaincy stool in Egbedore Local Government of Osun State where a matter with Suit No:HOS/84/2020
PRINCE LAWAL OLOYEDE OYEKUNLE & ORS VS ALHAJI ABDULKAREEM ADEGBOYE & ORS was pending and all the preliminary objections in that case heard and dismissed and all parties ordered to file their pleadings for full hearing when information filtered that one Hon. Taiwo Razak Adegboye who was the leader of the Legislative Council of Egbedore Local Government would be installed as Alawo of Awo.
Their Counsel promptly wrote a letter dated 15/8/2021 addressed to the Governor over the said plan to overreach and undermine the Judiciary but all to no avail as the said person was subsequently approved by the Executive Council the same week and was hastily installed as the Alawo of Awo in outright violation of the order of the Court in that case that all parties should maintain status quo.
We need to add that the sanctity and majesty of the Judiciary was protected when the Court of Appeal recently removed the said Alawo of Awo.
A repetition of the act of executive brazen display of power and impunity as well as stampeding the judiciary from allowing the full course of justice to run is highly unacceptable and should not continue to be. It is a deliberate ploy to pit the government against the masses.
We want to implore the government to be wary that the public are not always dummy not to know the antics and games that want to play out on any issue and that there is no secret under the world.
It is our request that our matter should be allowed to be heard to conclusion by the Ilkirun High Court where we instituted our matter. It is our founded opinion that any complaint that should lead to the transfer or re-assignment of the matter should at first emanate from us as the Plaintiffs in the case.
Seeing or perceiving anything to the contrary as more clear political machinations and undertone.
It is not everything that government should always force her interest down the throat of the public.
It is our further request that the government should refrain from giving any directive or ascertain any influence on the judiciary over this matter.
We shall not allow or accept the commando approach that maybe introduced into the nearing ot our case in form of “accelerated hearing” with a view to meet up the planned nomination, selection and the installation of Prince Gboyega Famodun or any nominee of his from Owa Oke-Ode (Akeran) Ruling House within the remaining days of this administration.
Justice rushed is justice crashed
We are solicitors to Omo-Owa Oke Ruling House of igbajoland, on whose firm instructions we write your Majesty with respect to the above subject matter they will hereinafter be referred to as “Our Clients Our clients briefed us to the effect that there are two Omo-Owa’s in Igbajoland from among whom persons ascend to the exalted and virtuous throne of Owa of lgbajo in alternating successions.
These Omo-Owa’s are Omo-Owa Oke-Ode (Omo-Owa Oke). the descendants of Akeran and Omo-Owa Odo (Omo Owa Isale), the descendants of Agbongbemi.
The foregoing fact has never been disputed by any member of the two Ruling Houses.
Our clients resolved to take this step in order to set the record straight in order to forestall looming confusions in Omo-Owa titles. This confusion has led to the Odofin lloro duplicating the chieftaincy titles of Omo owa’s.
Your Majesty is aware of the duplicates referred to here.
It was clear from our briefings that Your Majesty is a member of the Omo-Owa Odo or Omo-Owa Sale with direct ancestral link to Agbongbemi.
Our clients were flabbergasted when your majesty adopted the title “Akeran IV” which no historical lineage has been able to establish.
We were briefed that series of demands have been made that you drop the said title but you have refused, neglected and failed to drop same which may imply a form of mischief.
Our clients also briefed us to the effect that your Majesty has refused to accord the due recognition to Osolo who under the custom and practice of lgbajoland is a Chief in the Palace, Osolo sits whenever the Owa of in-Council meets in the Palace as a member of the Council.
The denial of this right infringes the long time laid down tradition of your people.
Our clients also find it incompatible with the traditions and customs of Igbajoland, your blatant refusal to install Lowa Mosi who is also a Chief in the Palace, It is an aberration of the core values and traditions or lgbajoland not to appoint, install and/or coronate the next person entitled to be so appointed as Lowa Mosi of lgbajoland.
We hereby demand for immediate dropping of the title “AKERAN IV which you clandestinely adopted.
We will await a letter addressed to us renouncing the said title and a publication in a national daily newspaper to the effect. If we do not receive both the letter and the publication within 30 days of receipt of this letter we have our clients’ instruction to proceed against your Majesty in a Court of law.
It is our clients demand as well that your Majesty grant the Osolo the recognition and rights due to the office by allowing and permitting him to enter the Palace and participate in the meetings and decision making processes of the Owa in-council.
Your Majesty knows the importance of Lowa Mosi in the Palace and we hereby demand for immediate appointment, installation and coronation of the person entitled to be Lowa Mosi of igbajoland.
NOTE: We have the instructions of our clients to approach the appropriate authority to seek redress on their behalf without any further recourse to you if your Majesty fails, neglects and/or refuses to meet up with our demands
This promise will come with wide publicity and all the attendant embarrassment.
This unacceptable situation is not only antithetical to your Majesty’s sacred duty to uphold and preserve the values and long cherished culture and traditions of your people but it is also capable of creating an atmosphere of distrust and enmity between the two Ruling Houses of igbajoland.
In view of the foregoing we hereby demand for immediate recognition an observation of the privileges, rights and roles of the Baba Loye.
We equally demand that payment of arrears of stipends due to the incumbent Baba Loye from his coronation up till date be paid to him within 30 days of receipt of his letter.
It is our understanding that the Local Government had released the entire said sum due to our client i.e. Baba Loye to your Majesty.
We are Solicitors to HRM OBA OLUFEMI ADENIYI FASADE AKERAN IV, Owa of lgbajo Owa’s Palace Igbajo State of Osun (hereafter referred to as “our client”) and have his instruction: to reply to your letter dated 29 October, 2015 as above matter and originating from your correspondent offices.
It is true that two Omo-Owa’s in lgbajoland among persons ascend to exalted and virtuous throne of Owa of lgbajo in alternating successions.
It is the half truth to say that “These Omo-Owa’s are Omo-Owa Oke-Ode the descendants of Akeran and Omo-Owa Odo (Omo-Owa Isale), the descendants of Agbongbemi”.
The whole truth Is that all omo Owa’s are descended from Akeran and Agbon abudi Oke atayese momojeyaojemi (shortened as “Agbon”).
Omo-Owa Odo also known as Omo-Owa lloro consist of 9 (nine) ruling houses made up of Akeran and Agbon descendants.
Our client denies the knowledge of the exIstence of duplicity, confusion or ambivalence: of any sort in this matter as claimed in your letter.
Our client the present Owa of lgbajo is Akeran and not Agbon descendant.
The Osolo title is proprietary to the compound lied of the Osolo Ruling House within the Owa-lloro lineage and not the concern Omo-Owa Oke who cannot he heard to pontificate on same.
The Osolo is not a member ot the Owa in Council but the recognized head of the Osolo Ruling House within the Omo-Owa lloro lineage.
The Lowa Mosi title is bestowed on the compound head of the Omo-Owa Oke lineage, the title holder is no more than a compound head.
Alowa Mosi is not a member of Owa in Council. The installation of Alowa Mosi is at the instance of the Omo-Owa Oke lineage who will present a candidate to our client for installation is the lowa-mosi.
The date no such candidate has been formally presented to our client to be so installed.
Your client’s demand for “immediate dropping of the title “AKERAN IV” is at best described.
The mischievous manifestation of black legs and mistits who were clandestinely smuggled into royalty. It is an attempt at rewriting he well acknowledged history of royalty in lgbajo Land and the ultimatum to sue directed at our client is grossly misplaced with professional respect to your good selves
Your client demand relating to the Osolo title not any stretch of the imagination be within the scope of your brief as the Osolo title is not proprietary to Omo-Owa Oke lineage on whose behave you act.
Your client demand with respect to the Lowa Mosi title is not only incipient but also misplaced and mischievous especially given the fact that till date
Your client has not presented any candidate to our client to installed
Finally, your tendency to be disrespectful to Royal Personage as disclosed in the wide publicity and all the attendant embarrassment your promised our client and your reference to him as “mischievous is totally not African and will appear to be at variance with the Yoruba royal salutation with which your letter under reference was concluded
The salutation is therefore ill-clad halt-hearted and out of place.
Our client seriously depreciate such salutation originating from the thoughts of a supposedly Yoruba mind. Continue Reading
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