Delta: NNPP Senatorial candidate vows to pursue constitutional role for traditional rulers

Delta: NNPP Senatorial candidate vows to pursue constitutional role for traditional rulers

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Ahead of the forthcoming 2023 general elections, the Delta South Senatorial Candidate of the New Nigerian People’s Party (NNPP), Commodore Omatseye Nesiama (retd) says he will pursue a veritable constitutional role for traditional rulers if voted into power.

He said he will ensure that traditional rulers are well positioned constitutionally under his watch by working for their recognition.

Commodore Nesiama made the promise on Tuesday at the palace of the Odiologbo of Owhelogbo Kingdom, HRM Romanus Ejirememe Inana when he visited the Isoko traditional rulers and members of the “Obidient Group” in Isoko.

Commodore Nesiama, who sought the blessings of the Isoko traditional rulers for his senatorial ambition, promised to provide the teeming youths with gainful employment and empowerment if he becomes the next senator.

Commodore Nesiama explained that if the traditional rulers were well positioned, most of the problems in the society, especially insecurity will be solved.

“I am saying this not because I am here but when I get there, I will ensure royal fathers are well positioned.

“When there’s a problem, politicians, political leaders run to our royal fathers. After the problem is solved, you (politicians, political leaders) run away from them.

“I have retired once. I am not tired of retirement. As soon as I get someone capable of taking over from me, I am going to retire. I am not going to be a Methuselah in the Senate/politics.

“Accountability is being able to state out what you want to do for the people. But most of our politicians don’t do that because they know they will be called upon if they failed to do what they promised,” he noted.

The Odiologbo of Owhelogbo Kingdom, HRM Romanus Ejirememe Inana, who spoke on behalf of the Isoko traditional rulers who were 16 in number, promised to produce the Omatseye Nesiama manifesto and circulate for him, saying that is their only way they could assist him.

“We pray that God will continue to protect us. When you present to us what you have to offer, we believe it can be done. Before now, we used to believe that it’s only two parties that we have or that are in existence.

“But now, someone like you has come. What the traditional rulers are asking for all over the country is constitutional recognition.

“Before the colonial masters, traditional institutions were the ones ruling. But since the colonial masters came, they abolished traditional institutions.

“We are promising you to produce more copies of the Omatseye manifestoe and circulate it all over. That is the only assistance we can give you for now. As traditional rulers, we are not to say anything, but we will pray for you and bless you,” the monarch enthused.

Meanwhile, supporters of the Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr. Peter Obi under the auspices of the “Obidient Group,” said the Delta South Senatorial Candidate of the NNPP, Commodore Nesiama (retd) is their Senatorial Candidate in Delta South Senatorial district.

LP Ward Chairman in Iyede Ward ll, Mr. Akpos Okere, made the declaration on behalf of the group, saying “We are labour party and we have agreed to work for you as the senator of Delta South. We don’t have any senatorial candidate. It’s now a coalition.”

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