DISCLAIMER NOTICE: The Pervasive Online Impersonation of the NATION NEWSLEAD Brand and Identity

The attention of the Management of Nation Newslead Services Limited, publishers of NATION NEWSLEAD Online newspaper (www.nationnewslead.com) has been drawn to the continuous activities of impostors and fake news websites attempting to impersonate our brand and identity, while seeking to pass off suspicious, if not disreputable, content to the public as emanating from NATION NEWSLEAD.
We are a very ethical organisation with a clearly defined mandate and principled ethos hinged on delivering the highest standard of socially reliable news and information to the public. As such, we urge all our readers to be a lot more wary – particularly in these times of the endemic infestation of fake news – of news and information coming from a number of dishonourable sources, attempting to imitate our name and brand identity. They are trying to thrive on and create confusion through the inflections of our name – in barely noticeable form – and/or visual character.

To avoid being misled in terms of the origin of any news and information being circulated and bearing resemblance to our identity, kindly scrutinise the URL of any such news or information claiming to be from “NATION NEWSLEAD” carefully. Ours is www.nationnewslead.com, and all the links to our stories are extensions of this primary address.
We are neither “Nation NewsLead” (www.nationnewslead.com), nor “nation leadnews” (www.nationleadnews.com), or any other such rash manifestation, some of which brazenly – yet criminally – appropriate the outlook of our social media pages.
The addresses of our authentic social media pages, serving as channels for the distribution of our content, have been and remain:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nationnewslead/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nationnewslead1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Nationnewsleadd/
Any other URL laying claim to being a source of genuine NATION NEWSLEAD content beyond those listed above is nothing but a illegal creation for the sole purposes of unlawful impersonation, and potentially illegitimate – and, we daresay, criminal – conduct.
As far as we are concerned, some of these news sources that have been trading through different clones of our brand identity, are also doing so in the malicious endeavours to deceive the public and create credibility issues for our noble profession, and platform.
As the time affirmed maxim goes, “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”, please be perpetually cautious of news and information floating around in this post-truth age, while continually interrogating their rapidly metastasising origins, even as a number of them keep attempting to act or look like us.
At NATION NEWSLEAD, we are primed to continually delivering on socially responsible journalism, whilst expanding the space for constant civic engagement with institutions and social processes.
We will also keep working with law enforcement to rein in on identity thieves and manipulators, whose ultimate aims are to misinform the public and profit from this, in manners that abuse our sacred mandate as a purveyor of truth and accountability.
Thank you.