A woman, Yemi Obe, has prayed Grade A Customary Court, Oja Oba, Mapo, ĺbadan, Oyo State to dissolve her union with her husband, Jide Obe, on the grounds of irresponsibility and battery by the latter.
Yemi told the court that her husband neglected her and their two children and refused to meet their needs.

She added that he insisted that she aborted her second pregnancy because he could not afford the expenses that came with nursing an additional child .
The plaintiff further said that the defendant became hostile towards her and assaulted her physically for refusing to abort the pregnancy.
Yemi told the court that she moved out of her home so as to remain alive.
Yemi said Jide refused to let her be after she walked out of their marriage.
According to her, he would waylay her and beat her to a pulp.
The plaintiff therefore beseeched the court to end their marriage and grant her custody of their two children.
She in addition pleaded with the court to mandate him to be responsible for their children’s upkeep and education.
She also pleaded for an order restraining her husband from threatening her and interfering with her private life.
Jide denied all the allegations brought against him, but agreed to divorce.
Yemi in her testimony explained that, “My husband impregnated me while we were dating and I moved in with him.
“No marriage rites were held on our behalf and he did not pay my bride price.
“My husband as the head of the family and breadwinner was hardly ever committed to his duties.
“His complaint always was paucity of funds which made life difficult for me.
“We never had enough to eat while many needs were always left unattended to.
“I accepted my fate and endured the hardship, but my husband in no way helped to ameliorate my suffering.
“He found fault in all that I did and would beat me.
“Hell was let loose when I was pregnant with our second child; he stood against my having the baby and insisted that I aborted the pregnancy.
“According to him, he was not financially buoyant enough to raise a second child.
“I refused to accede to his proposal and he became withdrawn and more hostile.
“The more of his maltreatment of me, the more resolute I was to carry the baby to term and nature him.
“I arose one day and packed my belongings out of our matrimonial home when it became obvious that my husband could kill me.
“My husband still not appeased, now took to waylaying me.
“He knows the route I take when returning home from work and will wait patiently for me there.
“He will descend on me with punches and will not stop until passersby come to my rescue.
“My lord, I’m tired of my husband’s continous harassment. I came to court so that he will not kill me.
“My lord, I pray that you dissolve our union and grant me custody of our children.
“I plead that my husband be made fully responsible for their welfare.
“I again appeal that he is restrained from harassing me and interfering with my private life.”
Jide giving his testimony said, “My lord, I also want Yemi out of my life. She is an ill wind that blows no one any good.
“All she said about me are lies.
“I have never beaten her. I only slapped her once.”
The court president, Mrs S.M Akintayo, after she had heard both parties, adjourned the case.