NAHCON rewards 2024 International Qur’anic Competition winner with hajj slot

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The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has rewarded Hajara Ibrahim Dan’azumi, a 19-year-old 200-level Botany student at Gombe State University, with a slot to participate in this year’s Hajj in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This recognition stems from her outstanding performance in the 18th edition of the Hashemite Jordan International Qur’anic Competition for females, where she emerged as the winner in the 60 Hizb with Tajwid category.

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Dan’azumi, who is also a student at Abubakar Siddiq Community Islamic School in Gombe, clinched the top spot in her category at the event organized by the Ministry of Endowments, Islamic Affairs, and Holy Places of Jordan.

The competition, held between February 17 and 22 in Jordan, saw her impressively scoring 99.5%, outshining contestants from 39 other countries.

The reward for the Gombe State University undergraduate, as per a statement by NAHCON Assistant Director of Public Affairs, Fatima Sanda Usara, was announced by the commission’s Chairman/CEO, Malam Jalal Ahmad Arabi. This announcement took place at a special reception in honor of the winner hosted by Gombe State Governor, Alhaji Inuwa Yahaya, at the Government House on Thursday.

Represented by his Personal Assistant, Usman Nuraini, the NAHCON boss congratulated Dan’azumi for bringing pride to Nigeria through her remarkable performance. He emphasized that the reward is a testament to her excellence and hard work, aligning with his commitment to recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievements.

“It is Malam Arabi’s conviction that recognizing such achievements would motivate others to replicate the feat while they bear the torch that projects the good values of the religion of Islam,” stated Usara.

In a congratulatory message to Governor Yahaya, Arabi expressed delight at Dan’azumi’s exceptional performance. Additionally, Governor Yahaya rewarded her excellent performance with a gift of N5 million and offered a full scholarship package from the first degree to Ph.D. Usara mentioned that the governor also granted another N5 million award to Hajara’s Islamic school to enhance its operations and improve the effectiveness of students’ training.

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