Renowned filmmaker and actor Shodunke Idowu, celebrated for his contributions to Nollywood through films such as “Okan Obirin” and “Itelorun,” is gearing up to captivate audiences with his upcoming movie, “Olorun Ajulo.”
Having delved into the Nigerian movie industry in 2004, Shodunke said his early years were influenced by the mentorship of veteran actor Jide Kosoko, laying the groundwork for his successful career.
Armed with an Advanced Diploma in Air Ticketing and Reservation, he further honed his skills at AITA and is currently immersed in the production of two movies: “Olorun Ajulo” and “Tenacity.”
In a reflection on the growth of Nollywood over the years, Shodunke underscores the importance of diligence, saying, “Nothing pays until you pay.” He advocated for a blend of seriousness and exposure in the industry, emphasising the need for movie practitioners to do things right.
Expressing his aspiration to share the screen with renowned figures such as Martin Lawrence, Chris Tucker, Yomi Fash, Hugh Grant, and Baba Latin, Shodunke emphasises the significance of preparation.
Drawing inspiration from Booker T Washington, he firmly believes that preparation is the key to recognition and subsequent promotion.
Speaking further he noted that as a thespian, one must exude confidence in his craft and continue to get better in technical theatre, filmmaking, and writing.
Undeterred by the challenges in the industry, Shodunke subscribes to the adage, “He who aims at the sky shoots higher than he who aims at the tree.” Despite his numerous achievements, he maintains humility, acknowledging that the only problem he faces is having no problems at all.
Approaching every script with enthusiasm, Shodunke lives by the mantra of expecting the unexpected. He said that his focus when receiving scripts is to deliver the best performance, ensuring satisfaction for both producers and fans.
Eager to take on challenging roles, he expressed particular interest in portraying a Pastor, showcasing his versatility in the industry.
As anticipation builds for Shodunke’s latest multi-million movie project, “Olorun Ajulo,” he expressed gratitude to his fans, pledging never to disappoint them.