Suspected rapist beaten to coma in Ondo after plucking victim’s eyes

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Nationnewslead reports that A suspected rapist was beaten to coma by a mob for raping and plucking out the eyes of his victim in Akure, the Ondo state capital.

The suspect and the victim are said to still be in a state of unconsciousness at the state police clinic in the state’s capital.

Nationnewslead assembled that the ugly incident occurred at Oluwatuyi area of Akure metropolis.

Sources said that the suspect ambushed the victim and forcefully raped her and thereafter plucked her eyes so that she would not be able to identify him after the incident.

According to the sources the alarm raised by the victim attracted residents in the area who caught him in the act and descended on him.


The timely intervention of police detectives at the scene aborted plans by irate youths to set him ablaze.

Reports had it that the suspect is from the Northern part of the country who refused to disclose his identity or where he came from to perpetrate the dastardly act.

Contacted, the police spokesperson, Tee Leo lkoro confirmed the ugly incident. Ikoro disputed that the suspect is an Hausa man but that he’s from Benue state.


He added that the police detectives have been able to extract information from the suspect because he’s still unconscious after the severe beating he received from the youths who caught him in the act.

The police image maker added that the family of the victim have not informed the police of the incident.



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