Gunmen Reportedly Kidnap INEC Electoral Officer In Zamfara With Election Results

Terrorists Abduct Two Zamfara Varsity Students

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Armed bandits have again kidnapped two students of the Federal University Gusau in Zamfara State.

According to an eyewitness account, the students who were male and female, were abducted in their off campus hostel around 9pm on Saturday in the Sabon Garin Damba area of Gusau, the state capital

Residents said the bandits invaded the community a few minutes after 8pm and shot sporadically in other to scare residents.

Several gunshots were fired by security personnel who tried to repel the aggressors but the bandits took away two students.

Another resident who pleaded anonymity told Channels Television that combined security forces of police and military are currently on trail of the bandits.

READ ALSO: Tinubu Orders Immediate Rescue Of Abducted Zamfara Varsity Students

A student, according to Sahara Reporters said: “Pray for us; we are again under terrorists’ attacks.”

Efforts to speak with the spokesperson for the state police command, Yazid Abubakar, was however unsuccessful

Recall that terrorists had earlier invaded the University and stole all the medications found at the university clinic.

Weeks ago, some gunmen suspected to be terrorists also kidnapped some students of the institution.

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